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Rhino 3d



Design your next project to the T - Rhino 3D functionality goes above & beyond to ensure that you have a software that can make designing complex 3D structures easy. Use it to design a Steel Frame for that Billboard, or blow your client out of the water with a 3D render of the Pylon they need, some even use Rhino 3D to design Aeroplanes!
- One Software, One Million Possibilities -

Powerful Tools!

Rhinoceros 3D is jam-packed with many powerful tools that enable you to create complex designs with the ease.

Edit & Manipulate

Delete, join, merge, trim, untrim, split, explode, extend, fillet, chamfer, object properties, history. Control points, edit points, handlebars, smooth, fair, change degree, add/remove knots, add kinks, rebuild, refit, match, simplify, change weight, make periodic, adjust end bulge, adjust seam, orient to edge, convert to arcs, a polyline, or line segments. Control points, handlebars, change degree, add/remove knots, match, extend, merge, join, untrim, split surface by isoparms, rebuild, shrink, make periodic, Boolean (union, difference, intersection), unroll developable surfaces, array along curve on surface. Fillet edges, extract surface, shell, Booleans (union, difference, intersection).



Yeah.. that's just the beginning!

Versatility Personified.

Be ahead of the game!

3D Design & rendering has the ultimate wow factor - let us help you blow your customers away!

Techincal Support

We offer round-the-clock technical support on your machine - ensuring that you are always ahead of the game.

Creative Support

We provide assistance on the functionality of the software, ensuring that you will use it to its fullest capabilities.

Not a problem!

Rhinoceros has an entire library of training videos outlining how the tools work for specific jobs and functions!

Copyright © 2023 Exion Corporation. All rights reserved. 


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